Femi Team Profile ♥ Kasia Rusin

fot. Mateusz Kamiński

♥ How did you start your snowboarding adventure?
There is no crazy story about it actually. I got my first snowboard as a gift, spent few hours on the slope in Zakopane learning how to ride it and totally fell in love !

♥ Was it hard to start snowboarding/surfing/ kiteboarding?
Lots of bruises, broken arms and wrists... but it was totally worth it.

♥ Is snowboarding popular in your country?
I think it is. There are a lot of people who are snowboarding and many just interested in the sport. I guess people like the vibe and atmosphere around snowboarding, it's loose and fun, not many sports have that.

♥ What man- part of the snow community think about girls like you? Do you compete with each other?
Compete? Nope! Never! I love riding with guys, because it's when I progress the most. Specially with my brother, but that's different story :) And what they think of girls like me? Hmm, I guess you should ask them!

♥ What would be your advice for the girls who want to start journey with snowboard/ surf/ kite?
Just do it! Whether it's your first day on slope or you're trying new tricks in park, I say don't think about it to much, just focus and do it! It may not work out first time you try, but then it just gets easier! Oh, and remember to always ride with some cool, positive people. It's all about the vibe!

♥ What does it mean for you? What do you owe to that sport?
Wow, that's a huge question! I've spent literally half of my life snowboarding, it's my greatest passion and there is so much I owe to that sport... my first love, best friends, traveling experience, parties...

♥ If there would be no snowboard, what would you do?
I've got no idea. I love sports in general, so maybe a rally driver or a skier...

♥ Sport is a great adventure, for sure. But also it is a really hard work. Have you ever regret that you chose that way of life?
This thought comes to me from time to time...When it's Christmas and I can't be home with my family, because I'm out there somewhere competing, or when I'm stressed, because there are problems or fights in our federation, or when I hit my head for a twentieth time and have a concussion... it's okey to have these feelings, it means I can think straight and I'm not being foolish. I think the hardest part of being an athlete (whatever sport you choose) is to overcome the stress and be able control your mind.

♥ What is your best memory from your sport adventure/trip?
Wow! There are so many! I don't really think it's a good place to share the best one, cause it's... let's say not appropriate and involves a party :) I have good memories from almost every trip I do!

♥ What are your luggage essentials?
Funny, but first thing that always goes to my bag is bikini! There is always a chance to go swimming somewhere or use the hot tub after a long day of snowboarding. Then (besides my snb gear) I pack a femi hoodie, anon sunglasses, suncream, iphone, good book, earphones and a lipstick.

♥ What do you do in your free time between your trips and trainings? Do you even have time for some social or family life?
Actually I don't, but the more busy my calendar is, the more organized I am. My family and best friends are really important to me, so I always try to spend as much time as possible with them. When I have some time for myself I like designing graphics, drawing, longboarding, bungee jumping, traveling... just enjoying life!

♥ What do you love the most about Femi Pleasure stuff/brand?

I think the way Femi changes the slope. I mean when I see a lot of girls wearing Femi hoodies (like on Pink Jam) the whole park seems more colorful and happy :)
