Girls like it girly! Girls Morning Out.

Dziewczyńskie Poranki [Girls Morning Out] is a local, sport and social, girls-only initiative.
We meet up regularly early in the morning, to catch up with our running and talk about … well, pretty much everything.
We believe that doing sports together is a perfect physical training, but also an amazing therapy for the soul. And that's how it all started - we took morning runs, gossiped and finished our training with a tasty breakfast. What have we done all that for? Better bodies, new friends – that’s about that!
We share our philosophy with others and we love it! Every once in a while we invite a larger group of girls to join us for our special events. We choose the sport, turn on our running app and run our cities. Oh, yes – and we talk. A lot!
Miraculously, we always manage to find partners who prepare little (or not so little) treats for our girls. Because girls like it girly, even if they don’t admit itJ
We take pride in being real – a group of actual, flesh-and-blood ladies who have mood swings, complexes, cellulite and tend to complain a little. But never give up and always fight till we drop. Sometimes, we fight with others, more often – with our own weaknesses.
Real Girls Team is all about teamwork and passion. We stay girly in everything we do.
This is what we are: 100% amateurs, 100% dedicated to whatever discipline we chose to practice. We fear nothing when it comes to sports.
We may not be perfect, but we are real!
Our last event took place on a sunny Saturday morning, October 2. 45 cheerful girls met up in a beautiful neighborhood and went on a nice run with Kasia Wolska, our own fitness goddess. The colorful (and slightly tired) crowd was then warmly welcomed with fit breakfast and coffee in a local coffee house. The girls got gifts from our partners – customized water bottles with Femi Pleasure, fitness bars from Local Cakes, and super healthy smoothies from LYFE. But that event was not only about the running and the gifts – we used the opportunity to talk about serious staff, too. October is a breast cancer awareness month, and since we all have tits and we care for each other, there is no other way than to repeat over and over again: Watch your boobs, ladies!
Looking forward to our next GirlsMorningOut event – it is coming soon!