Femi Team Profile ♥ Agnieszka Rusin

♥  How did you start your snowboarding adventure?
I've always tried to do what my older brother had done – and some day he tried snowboarding. So I begged my parents to let me learn too – and I started the following year.

♥  Was it hard to start snowboarding?
It was Poland in 1998, so it was hard to find boards, boots etc. and some resorts didn't even allow snowboarders. But it was definitely more fun than skiing so I have stuck to snowboarding until today.

♥  Is snowboarding popular in your country?
It used to be popular for couple of years, but after few bad winters I can see that surfing is more in fashion nowadays.

♥  What man- part of the snow community think about girls like you? Do you compete with each other?
Especially in the beginning, there wasn't much support for the girls. It still happens that you go to an event and you are not allowed to ride just because you are a girl.

♥  What would be your advice for the girls who want to start journey with snowboard?
Bend your knees! Don't go to the park or backcountry unless you are supercomfortable on the slope.

♥  What does it mean for you? What do you owe to that sport?
Few years full of memories that I will never forget.

♥  If there would be no snowboard,what would you do?
Probably I would have started surfing earlier!

♥  Sport is a great adventure, for sure. But also it is a really hard work. Have you ever regretted that you chose that way of life?
I have had three knee surgeries and spent almost 3 years in physiotherapy, so of course there were times I did. But generally I don't.

♥  What is your best memory from your sport adventure/trip?
I had a couple of unforgettable trips, like New Zealand, Finland and Colorado, but also those random days just riding with friends. These perfect winter days, when you are in the mountains covered with snow that sparkles in the sun, that crunches under feet and you meet up with your friends (or sister;) ) to take a lift up and shred the whole day together!

♥  What are your luggage essentials?
I usually wear a longer hoodie (check out the BKR hoodie designed with cooperation of my sister!) and leggins when I travel. I always pack a set of gym/ running clothing and shoes and a bikini . If it is a snowboard trip, I always pack few sets of first layers (I love the Dani&Jani in norwegian print) that keep me dry, warm and comfy while riding and a thermos with mint green tea.

♥  What do you do in your free time between your trips and trainings? Do you even have time for some social or family life?
It's hard to balance snowboarding with studying or working and still have time for family and friends, but it's doable!

♥  What do you love the most about Femi Pleasure stuff?
The cream fudge!!! I really like that all keep my warm in winter and beautiful bikinis in summer! 
